• Question: Can you find a way to de-salinate cheaply?

    Asked by alexlake to Cathy, Jaz, Mark, Roma, Rory on 23 Jun 2014.
    • Photo: Mark Greaves

      Mark Greaves answered on 23 Jun 2014:

      Hi Alex,

      The biggest cost for desalination plants is the electricity because of the reverse osmosis process.
      There are two ways to tackle this:
      1. develop new technology – this will probably take a lot of research and development before it is commercially available
      2. use free energy, like that generating by digesting sewage sludge

      Also desalination plants need to be near a salt water source, these are usually at low ground level so all the drinking water produced would need to be pumped, this is a very expensive thing to do. In the Nort West we use reservoirs in hills to allow us to use gravity to distribute water cheaply.


    • Photo: Jaz Rabadia

      Jaz Rabadia answered on 23 Jun 2014:

      Mark has this one covered 🙂

    • Photo: Cathy Fraser

      Cathy Fraser answered on 23 Jun 2014:

      @alex – definately Mark’s area of expertise!
      I’m learning things too!

    • Photo: Roma Agrawal

      Roma Agrawal answered on 23 Jun 2014:

      Wow Mark has covered this one! I know when I lived in Dubai which is a desert, they have to desalinate water and you’re right, it’s expensive.

    • Photo: Rory Hadden

      Rory Hadden answered on 24 Jun 2014:

      Nice one, Mark!
