• Question: Did you ever have an admirer and who was it? Do you still admire them?

    Asked by winston24 to Cathy, Jaz, Mark, Roma, Rory on 20 Jun 2014.
    • Photo: Mark Greaves

      Mark Greaves answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      I’m not sure whether I’ve had an admirer in the engineering world!

      I admire Isambard Kingdom Brunel. He is a legendary engineer!


    • Photo: Roma Agrawal

      Roma Agrawal answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      I admire Emily Roebling. She was the daughter in law of the engineer that designed the Brooklyn Bridge in New York. After her father in law died and her husband became very ill, she ran the project for 11 years and got it built! All this in the 1800s when women were not considered smart enough to be engineers- she proved them wrong 🙂

    • Photo: Cathy Fraser

      Cathy Fraser answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      I admire anyone who is persistant with ideas and prepared to look at things in new ways to get things done, or to see what they can make from their ‘failures’.
      For example the inventors of the post-it note set out to create a super strong glue – but changed their focus when they realised the potential of their new ‘not so sticky’ product!
      There are so many individual people and engineers that I admire it’d be hard to list – but key ones are probably Steve Jobs and Ida Lovelace!

    • Photo: Jaz Rabadia

      Jaz Rabadia answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      I admire those who are following their dreams.. success is a very personal thing.. I admire people who are changing our future, like steve jobs 🙂

    • Photo: Rory Hadden

      Rory Hadden answered on 22 Jun 2014:

      It would be nice to have an admirer but I’m not sure I do! There are loads of engineers I admire and for lots of different reasons: their designs, their ideas or their philosophy.

      I currently admire James Dyson a lot. His improvements to everyday objects like hand driers and vacuum cleaners are ace! It shows how small improvements can rapidly improve everyday objects.

