• Question: Do you get paid fairly when you are an engineer?

    Asked by mgarrido12 to Cathy, Jaz, Mark, Roma, Rory on 17 Jun 2014.
    • Photo: Mark Greaves

      Mark Greaves answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      I would say engineers are paid fairly (we always want more though!). They tend to earn more than average, in Manchester the average engineers salary is around £40,000 a year!


    • Photo: Rory Hadden

      Rory Hadden answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      Yes! Engineers are paid very well!

      Engineers generally earn amongst the highest salaries after graduation (and through their careers). Remember engineers won’t spend all their careers building things, many become managers, or executives and change roles as they get promoted!


    • Photo: Jaz Rabadia

      Jaz Rabadia answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      Yes engineers get paid well and because there is a shortage of engineers in the UK there are lots of jobs up for grabs. Starting salaries for engineering graduates are about £23,000 – £25,000 thats better than what accountant start on!


    • Photo: Roma Agrawal

      Roma Agrawal answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      We do get paid well. Not as well as the top bankers and lawyers however I think our job is more fun, and also we don’t have to work as many hours as they do!

    • Photo: Cathy Fraser

      Cathy Fraser answered on 18 Jun 2014:


      Yes, I would say we do get paid fairly – sometimes there are other ‘benefits’ to working in large companies like pension schemes, healthcare etc (I know it all sounds a long way off – but it’s important – trust me!) which make up for a less well paid position.
      On the whole though, I find engineering salaries are fair for what you do – and there’s often training or more courses you can do to improve your skills and apply for roles higher up the engineering ladder (with increased pay!).

