• Question: What is it like being a engineer do any of you work with planes

    Asked by hamishgraydon to Cathy, Jaz, Mark, Roma, Rory on 25 Jun 2014.
    • Photo: Mark Greaves

      Mark Greaves answered on 25 Jun 2014:

      Being an engineer is great fun. There is a lot of problem solving to be done and calculations to be made but it’s all worth it when a project gets built. Seeing my designs come to life is a big reward for the work.

      I don’t do any work with planes though.


    • Photo: Rory Hadden

      Rory Hadden answered on 25 Jun 2014:

      It’s really good fun – no two days are the same and you get to meet all sorts of interesting people!

      We had a research project that looked at detecting fires on planes. Obviously you cant escape from a plane like you would from a building if there is a fire so it is essential to detect the fire very early so it can be easily extinguished. We developed some new ways to make a fancy smoke detector that could basically smell the smoke from fire and set off an alarm. I think they are now looking into developing this technology to make it cheaper. So one day our work may be part of a plane!


    • Photo: Cathy Fraser

      Cathy Fraser answered on 25 Jun 2014:

      Being an engineer is having a challenge every day and having to think of new ways to solve it and make things better!
      It is great fun and if you enjoy how things work, or making improvements then it could be for you – is it something you’ve thought about for a career?

    • Photo: Roma Agrawal

      Roma Agrawal answered on 25 Jun 2014:

      Engineering is fun- we are creative and know maths as well, great combo 🙂

      I don’t work with planes I’m afraid but there are many engineers that do!
