• Question: what would you do if someone came up to you in the streets, gave you ten thousand pounds, then said "spend it well."

    Asked by danielbazely to Jaz on 17 Jun 2014.
    • Photo: Jaz Rabadia

      Jaz Rabadia answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      Hi Daniel

      Great Question! First thing i would do is take it to the police ! you can never be too sure these day 😉
      But if it was genuine ( and not stolen) I would use it to make my house more energy efficient. I would buy solar panels for my roof, LED lighting for my house, buy A rated equipment and create a smart house where i could switch things on and off through my iphone.
      I’d make the money back in no time by saving money on my electricity bills. Also if there was ever a power cut – i would have my own energy stores in a battery from the solar panel. My house would be very popular 🙂
