• Question: Will we be able to do the same things in space, like trampolining for example?

    Asked by bethchapmanunicorn to Roma, Mark, Jaz, Cathy on 15 Jun 2014.
    • Photo: Roma Agrawal

      Roma Agrawal answered on 15 Jun 2014:

      I’m afraid it would be very different! Because there is no gravity in space, we would just float around. We could do lots of somersaults and other trampolining moves BUT we would never be able to be pulled back down to our trampoline to jump off it because there’s no gravity.

    • Photo: Mark Greaves

      Mark Greaves answered on 15 Jun 2014:

      I reckon it would be quite awkward doing trampolining in space what with all the breathing apparatus and safety cords attached, not to mention the lack of gravity as Roma has mentioned.

      Somethings you will be able to do but I’m all for staying Earth, zero gravity doesn’t appeal to me 🙂

    • Photo: Cathy Fraser

      Cathy Fraser answered on 16 Jun 2014:

      As Roma and Mark have said – it’d be a bit like trampolining without the bouncing – so you could do lots of cool moves but not quite the same as on earth!

      One thing I think is interesting is that you can’t do laundry in space (so I’ve been informed!) as water is too precious to waste on a mission. I think I’m with Mark for staying on Earth as I’m not too keen on wearing the same clothes for a few months!

    • Photo: Jaz Rabadia

      Jaz Rabadia answered on 16 Jun 2014:

      We’d need to find a shuttle big enough to store a trampoline 😉
